January 18, 2023 at 6:16 pm
Krista Hiles
Listed below are the eligibility requirements for the several MSME government programs in Singapore:
(EDG) Enterprise Development Grant
- The business must be officially registered and operational in Singapore.
- The firm must possess 30% of the stock.
- Financial stability is required to initiate and complete the project.
(MRA) Market Readiness Support
- The company is registered and established in Singapore.
- A new approach to the market that is a global target location for which the applicant’s overseas sales in the preceding three years are at most S $ 100,000.
- The business must possess 30% of the stock.
- Group Sales Revenues must not surpass $100 million annually.
- The firm’s workforce size cannot exceed 200 employees.
(PSG) Productivity Solutions Grant
- The company must be incorporated and registered in Singapore.
- Singaporean nationals and permanent residents have at least 30 percent of local stock ownership.
- Hired a PMET within the last three months, prior to program enrollment, at a gross monthly compensation of $2,500.
(SFEC) SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit
- Have contributed at least S$750 in Skills Training charge during the course.
- Have hired at least three Singaporean nationals or permanent residents.
- All of the following applications have to satisfy the requirements.
(BIF) Business Improvement Fund
- The Business Improvement Fund is available to all Singapore-registered businesses and corporations launching tourism-focused projects.
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